Defective Medical Device Attorney In Los Angeles

Medical science invents new devices daily. But these innovative devices can also be risky. To help you know your rights our defective medical device attorney is here.

Simply the Best!

Best With The Defective Medical Lawsuits

If you have been a victim of a medical defective device due to the profit of a medical company, don’t worry, Ness Law Firm’s defective medical attorney in Los Angeles has your back. We provide personalized case evaluation for our clients and make sure they receive the deserved compensation without any hassle.

Bus Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Unmatched Services Of Defective Medical Devices Lawyers At Ness Law

According to the statistics the sales of medical devices have increased to 43% in the previous years. This mass production also increases the chance of manufacturing defective devices. To ensure you don’t have an encounter with the defective medical device our Los Angeles defective medical device attorney is here to bring justice and help you understand your rights.

Hovik Oganesyan

Hovik Oganesyan

The Representation You Need

Ness Law Firm being one of the biggest law firms in Los Angeles. If your medical device has caused you any injury, come to Ness Law and talk to our defective medical product attorneys who are prepared to advocate for you in the courtroom. Defective medical device attorneys at Ness Law are your advocate in the fight against the medical companies and insurance providers.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise In The Relative Field

Finding a defective medical devices attorney in Los Angeles with experience of relevant cases is the right way forward as they are well-versed in the norms and rules pertaining to ATV accidents.

Getting The Maximum Benefits For You

A medical defective device attorney can help you get compensation for medical expenditures, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They can litigate or negotiate on your behalf.

Investigation Is Key For A Strong Case

Los Angeles defective medical device lawyers can interview witnesses, collect police and medical records, and investigate the occurrence. This may be significant when proving culpability or neglect.

We Are Just A Phone Call Away

With your free consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us as soon as possible after your accident.

Being a top 40 Under 40 National Trial Lawyer, Hovik Oganesyan Will Fight To Get You What You Deserve.

We have recovered $15 Million+ for our clients in cases of all types.
Top Attorneys in Los Angeles


Best Law Firms in Los Angeles CA
Hovik Oganesyan Best Los Angeles Attorney

Let Los Angeles Defective Medical Attorney Be Your Voice

No matter what medical device has caused you an injury, speak to our Los Angeles defective medical product device for the potential lawsuit. Our attorneys will evaluate your case for free and ensure the maximum compensation. Contact us and get the personalized services from the best lawyers.


Frequently Asked Question

Are medical devices safe?

No.  All medical devices that we see at the pharmacies are approved by the FDA, but this does not mean all the devices are safe. Most manufacturers recall products that are approved by the FDA. To get an insight into the recalled devices you can check the dataset of FDA.

What to do if I have been injured by a medical device?

If you have been injured by a medical device, seek medical help immediately. After being stable, keep the device at a secure place as evidence. Then contact a knowledgeable lawyer to build a strong case for you and file a lawsuit against the medical company.

Why are there so many cases of defective medical devices in the USA?

The United States of America is the largest market for medical devices, this makes the production of thousands of devices in the country, including devices for hernias, blood clots, heart disease, etc. This mass production is the reason for so many cases.