Los Angeles Amputation Attorney

Feeling hopeless after losing a limb? Ness Law has a team of top amputation injury attorneys in Los Angeles providing you with an opportunity to recover compensation while you recover mentally and physically from your injury.

First-Rate Representation For Injury Victims

Losing a limb due to an amputation injury can drastically change your life. In this case, a paltry payment is never enough for you to fully recover from your losses. For that reason, our dismemberment lawyers in Los Angeles offer legal representation for you to sue the negligent party so you can obtain a favorable outcome for your amputation lawsuit.

Bus Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Amputation Attorneys Advocating for the rights of victims after life-altering injuries

An amputation injury involves the removal of a body part. An amputation occurs when a limb is removed from the body during an accident or when surgical removal is required as a result of an accident to prevent the spread of an infection. Ness Law Firm’s experienced amputation lawyers in Los Angeles will represent you if you or a loved one has suffered amputation or dismembered in a construction, vehicle, or other accident. 

Medical insurance rarely covers the entire costs of the procedure or after care. It’s best to get legal help by hiring an amputation attorney in Los Angeles that lets you heal and move forward while an expert professional handles legal problems.

Hovik Oganesyan

Hovik Oganesyan

Amputation Injury: Causes and Side Effects

The value of our limbs cannot be overstated. They allow us to be mobile, productive, and healthy. It can be overwhelming when someone’s capacity to live a normal life is threatened by an unintentional amputation. The rights of those who lose limbs due to accidents are protected by our amputation injury attorneys in Los Angeles. Ness Law offers legal help in answering your questions and assisting you with the legal process.

Why Choose Us?

To protect your interests and secure the compensation you are due, we have assembled a team of the best amputation attorneys in Los Angeles.

We Give Every Case Personalized Attention

We know that every injury case is different and calls for a tailored strategy. Throughout the duration of your case, you will be given individual attention.

We Believe That Investigation Is Key For A Strong Case

An amputation injury lawyer in Los Angeles can interview related parties and investigate the injury. This is significant to prove culpability or neglect.

We Are Just A Phone Call Away

Your road to recovery starts with a simple phone call. Contact us now and take the first step towards securing the justice and compensation you deserve. Remember, you are not alone in this fight – we are just a phone call away.

Being a top 40 Under 40 National Trial Lawyer, Hovik Oganesyan Will Fight To Get You What You Deserve.

We have recovered $15 Million+ for our clients in cases of all types.
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Let Our Los Angeles Amputation Lawyer Represent Your Interest In The Court Of Law

Ness Law Firm’s amputation injuries attorney in Los Angeles can help clients recover financially and emotionally while we connect them with doctors and rehab institutions to help them recover and get their life back on track. We also provide emotional support to help the injured person and their family cope with the accident. A dismemberment injury case involves insurance companies, doctors, and employers, making it complicated. Culpability, carelessness, and damages may be involved. 

Our dismemberment attorneys in Los Angeles guide clients through the legal process and fight for recompense. So call us today at (818) 435-9673 and get your case evaluated by our team of experts.


Frequently Asked Question

What does dismemberment coverage mean?

Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance pays out for amputation, paralysis, or blindness.

Does amputation include the loss of fingers?

Yes, it includes loss of function and use of any body part, including one’s eyesight, speech or hearing, loss of a body part including fingers, eyes, legs and hands etc.

What are the different types of amputations?

There are two main types of amputations:

  • Traumatic amputation – This occurs as a result of a sudden accident
  • Surgical amputation – This occurs as a mean of treatment to save the patient when a limb becomes infectious or cancerous